Now stop!!!
Take a deep breath. You just listed everything that YOU tell a man he wants. Would a man refuse the dream woman? Of course not! But that's not necessarily what he wants. Let's be fair. A real man wants a real woman.
You think he notices every little flaw, every little detail that drives you nuts and makes you want to cry or have lipo suction on a regular basis? Come on now....he doesn't even notice when you get a haircut, does he?
(I would like to take this moment to insert that I am the least observant woman ever and am often beat out by even men noticing details.)
So here's the great thing about guys: they see the big picture. He doesn't see the cellulite like you do. He doesn't notice that your panties cause a dent in your love handles thus causing you to have the appearance of not two big hips but FOUR. As women we're designed to focus on the details, and men are designed to see the big picture. It's one of the many fascinating ways that we perfectly balance each other.
Wanna know what he REALLY notices? How pretty you know you are naturally.
Men see through fake self confidence with amazing x-ray abilities. Depending upon the guy they either take advantage of a girl trying too hard, or (if they're interested in something long lasting) they look for a girl who can shower walk out the door in 15 minutes flat while still exuding that glow of inner beauty.
Sure, there are an enormous amount of men who are pigs. I'm not denying that. But in my little world, we don't men bash. And what's more important.....
The right guy loves you even when you're a hot mess. In fact, he will absolutely confuse the hell out of you by complimenting you right after you've have one of your secret crying sessions about your weight, wondering how he could possibly find you attractive, and wishing for that lipo wand again.
Here's my challenge for you today: when a man compliments you, BELIEVE HIM.
Quit with your mind games.
Man: Wow, you look great!
Most Women's Minds: "He's lying." "He's doesn't know what he's talking about." "What does he want from me?" "He's just manipulating me to get me in a better mood." "He obviously hasn't looked close enough today...." Blah, blah, blah.
Correct Woman's Mind: "Oh, that's so nice. Guess I do look great!"
I'm sure I'll talk a lot more about positive thinking later, but let's start with this tiny but VERY difficult challenge.
Hey, by the way....you look great today :-)
As a man, let me just say that this post is 100% accurate. Well said. :)
ReplyDeleteMy man notices everything. A lot of guys are visual and if they like you, they notice when you get a hair cut, or if you gained weight, or got tanned. Like when I began working out my man noticed a big difference between my body before i worked out and after and he preferred the fit body. Admit it, all men want a woman that has it all, ABCD and a beautiful personality. whats real is to admit and be okay with the fact some women and men are ABCD and some aren't. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so all im saying is MOSt guys, prefer a girl that has it all... but if they cant find it, they'll work with what they have and will never tell u that their dream girl looks nothing like u. I hope i didnt offend anyone. The point of this article should have been, if u are a A or a B or C or a D, or two of them, or all of them, just be happy with your body because there are people with no arms and legs or eyes etc. I appreciate the people who have ABCD though! theyre like gems in this world.
ReplyDeleteould a man refuse the dream woman? Of course not! But that's not necessarily what he wants. Let's be fair. A real man wants a real woman. So someone who has it all (A,B,C,D) isn't considered a real women? Umm... You do know there are women who are A, B, C, D all in one and have a beautiful personality as well... Thats every guy's dream girl, is it so hard for some women to live with that fact? Yes that is necessarily what he wants and if you're not that, he will still like/love you because most men know realistically itd be difficult to find a girl who has it all, thats like looking for a diamond in ocean full of crystals. So why wouldn't a guy enjoy what he has in front of him or around him instead of longing for something that is rare? .... Thoughts from a bunch of guys ~