Monday, July 30, 2012

Best Shape of Your Life Remorse

As the Olympics continue, we all watch these perfectly sculpted bodies doing whatever it is that they do best.

Perhaps nearly all of us have experienced some remorse concerning our physical peaks.  Mine was about 3 years ago now.  I worked out for about an hour a day 5 or 6 times a week.  I didn't eat out much and my diet was restricted to exclude processed meats or cheeses, caffeine, sugar, or fried foods.  After six months of that routine I finally got down to 135 lbs and had some awesome muscle definition starting.  This was also when I was essentially acting full time.  It was part of my job and my routine to be fit and take care of myself.

Other women may have other stories.  I love the show "What Not to Wear," and on a certain episode they had a young woman who used to be a swimmer when she was in high school and early college.  As soon as she stopped swimming her body started to change.  She started to get curvier with hips and bigger boobs.  She was utterly depressed.  She missed the best shape in her life.

Although in previous blogs I've looked for solutions to help with the various heart aches that cause us women struggle.  This particular one is hard to overcome.  Perhaps you were larger, then lost a significant amount of weight only to gain it back later.  How about our yo-yo ladies who can never seem to settle on a size and their emotions take that roller coaster ride with their body?

In our lives we will live many chapters, and each chapter may be very different or familiar.  It depends on the woman.  But there's a certain remorse that I personally feel for having been in that great of shape.  From now on I will always compare my current weight and appearance to that brief year of my life.  I know that are many other women who feel this same way.  After it's been revealed to you that you actually can manage to be that in-shape/healthy it makes it more difficult to accept anything less.

And yet we must.

I don't have time to do what I did before.  But sitting in my chest of drawers are my size 4 jeans.  Like I can't give up the hope that I'll be that size again.  That's why every woman has her skinny jeans.  It's our way of not giving up.  The longer we hold onto those jeans the harder it is to appreciate your present.  To give yourself a break and full acceptance.  The disappointment or sadness that overcomes us with our reflection holds us back.  In fact, it sometimes creates more eating disorders or overeating from emotion.

Should we women of the world give up our skinny jeans??  Absolutely.  But give me one more month...we need a moment together with just the two of us.  After all, breaking up is hard to do.

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