Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Boys Like a Little More Booty to Hold at Night"

A friend of mine shared this with me, and it's so fun I had to share it here.  Smile, ladies, because you're beautiful!!

My personal note:

Some people commented on the video that they feel as though it is talking down to or shaming naturally thin girls.  I can see where they feel that way.  I think the greater understanding is that when women push back at the media, it is often times mis-interpreted as saying that thin girls are not as good.  The push back is not at our fellow women who are a size two, but the size two pedestal of perfection that we are bombarded with on a daily basis.  So, we love our fellow thin girls, but the easiest way to say that we are not going to play by the media and fashion world's ways is to resist the "ideal" that they have set before us, which happens to be a size two.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Don't Rush the Physical

We've all read relationship advice columns.

They pretty much all say the same thing:

Don't rush the physical.  The best relationships are built starting on a spiritual and emotional level first.

Any relationship in life comes down to the concept of love: love for another and love for yourself.

Have you ever wondered why crash diets don't work?  Or why women resort to desperate methods to lose weight, including eating disorders?  Because you're trying to rush the physical.

Rather than jumping headfirst into shedding pounds, start with your spiritual and emotional love.  You will find your value in your soul first.  The famous Lucille Ball (one of my personal inspirations) has a well known quote:

"Love yourself first then everything else will fall into line."

When you rush your way into the gym and constantly check the scale or the tape measure, you're not looking for a lasting relationship.  I want my readers to have a loving relationship for the long term.  No yo-yos or hating yourself in the morning after you binge on food because the night before you felt empty from your failed attempts at making it work.

So create a firm foundation from which to build a long physical relationship with yourself.  Sometimes you'll gain weight and sometimes you'll lose weight, but let yourself know that you'll love you no matter what and unconditionally.  Once you feel secure in yourself you'll be ready for the long haul and for the rest of your life.