Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bikinis, Texas

So this is an article that came out today:

The gist of it is that some rich guy bought a town not too far from my hometown.  There haven't been any inhabitants of this town for some time, so he's going to fix it up and rename it.  It shall be named...

Bikinis, Texas

There was one time when I was out of college, and I had a very unbearable living situation.  I couldn't get out though, because I didn't make enough money to survive on my own.  I was desperate, and I started to drive.

I was going to get a job at Hooters.

I couldn't think of a faster, easier way for me to make some quick money.  I mean, other than drugs or stripping, right?  I knew a girl in high school who worked at Hooters.  So this is what I had been brought to.  I literally cried on my way there.  For me, ultra conservative, this might have well been stripping.

Let's just say I got my head on straight and turned the car around.  I never worked at Hooters.  Or Twin Peaks.  Or Big Racks.  Or Tilted Kilt.  Who can name another one??

Then as I was pursuing my career in film acting, I had a big callback for a TV show.  The basis of the show was that I was to be the "girl next door" host type.  I would need to have the ability to write my own scripts, interview on the fly and in exchange I would travel around filming locations that originated types of alcohol.  For those not in the acting world, a "callback" is like a second interview.  It means you might very well get the job.

The original audition consisted of me opening with a script I'd written then doing an interview.  The New York director and producer were watching live via Skype.  So when I got the callback, I was excited. Until I opened the email.

In the email was a link to a clip of previous shows with the last host.  It was then that I discovered that the host was really not a vital role and in fact was merely there to keep the show going while girls in tiny bikinis took body shots off of each other and pranced around half naked acting ditzy and drunk.

I didn't go to the callback.

I called my agent and said I didn't want to participate.

This is probably how people would picture me.  Homely.  Like I protest these things because I'm ugly, and I wouldn't be able to even qualify to be one of these girls.

Lame.  And just another judgmental joke that is thrown in our faces. 

But as long as there are women willing to do anything, these sorts of institutions will continue.  Think about it.  If every woman said "no," what could these business owners do?  Absolutely nothing.  They wouldn't exist.

As women we don't have enough inner positive thinking to dismiss such an opportunity.  Imagine if we thought this way:

"I look great!" "I'm a smart girl."  "There are other girls just as pretty or even prettier, but there's only one me.  And that's a valuable asset."

If we had all of these positive thoughts running through our minds, we wouldn't have enough room for a lame compliment.  If you have your own fantastic thoughts about yourself then some stranger saying, "Hey honey, you look hot" doesn't nearly measure up to "I'm an accomplished learner who is pretty, a good listener, and caring towards people."  We're assuming that you ARE nice to people....I'll follow that up in another blog for another day..... 

So let's encourage each other to fill our days with positive thinking instead of empty searches for artificial attention. 

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