Monday, November 25, 2013

Perfection is Depression

Binge eating or unhealthy eating habits can often grow from anxiety or depression.  Or sometimes it's the opposite: you are anxious or depressed and a means of controlling your life is through food.  Outside of a clinically diagnosable depression or anxiety disorder, women feel elements of this all the time.

How many times have you ever gone to your closet for a special night out and tried on 10 different outfits?  And in every single one you felt fat?  If you're in that situation, here is what I suggest:

1.  Take a deep breath.  Walk to your bed, sit down, and breathe.  Cry if you need to.  It's going to be OK.  It's just clothes.  No matter how much pressure you're feeling to look perfect, perfection is unobtainable.  There are thousands of other women that very moment feeling the way you do.

2.  Give yourself positive talk.  Say it out loud literally.  Talk to yourself.  Tell yourself things like, "You look pretty."  "Your smile is beautiful."  "I am a beautiful person."  Again take a good cry if you need to.  Sometimes telling yourself out loud that you are beautiful makes you want to cry, because you don't believe it.  Keep saying it.  Keeping crying.  Until you can look in the mirror and smile.

3.  Count your blessings.  Think of all of the wonderful things in your life.  Don't think you have any?  Think again.  Try harder.  You have a home.  You can see, breathe, and feel.  There is always something to be thankful for.

4.  Pray.  For those readers that do not believe in God, I ask of you, "What does it hurt?"  Try it.  Sure you'll have that inner voice saying, "This is stupid.  There's no one listening."  Take your time.  Open your mind.  Talk like you're talking to your father.  If you didn't have a father in your life, think of your greatest mentor.  Talk like you're talking to that person.  Let it all out and ask for help.  Don't know how?  Here is an example:

Dear Lord,

I don't know if you're listening right now, but if you are I'm feeling pretty low.  I don't feel like I'm worth anything.  I look so ugly in everything I put on.  I don't even want to leave my house.  I hate myself.  Please help me.  I feel so lost.  I feel so ugly.  Take this from me.  Please free me from these feelings.  I don't want to feel them anymore.

Thank you.

Now go to your favorite outfit, that will make you feel comfortable, and try again.  This time smile.  Because you're beautiful, real, and full of life.

Here's what not to do:

1.  Drink.  Alcohol only enhances your sensitive emotions before it numbs it away.  It's only a band-aid.  You've got to change the way you think, not run to drink.

2.  Sleep with a man.  I've said before that a good man who encourages you and makes you feel beautiful is a great thing.  But don't forget that as women, we don't heal through the physical.  We heal through our emotions.  If you are feeling ugly, the worst thing to do is sleep with someone just to feel pretty.  You'll feel even uglier in the morning.  Spend time with a man and enjoy his company, but abstain.  Nothing makes a woman feel prettier than a man who respects her.

3.  Binge.  This is a tough one for me.  I'm an emotional eater.  When I'm feeling upset, I like to indulge in a nice tub of ice cream...with chocolate sauce...and whipped cream.  Pay attention to what your mind is telling you.  "Go get that chocolate shake.  It'll make you feel better."  Yes, yes, it will make me feel better, but then after I eat it I'll feel fat all over again.  Definitely not the result you're looking for.

4.  Not eat.  Just as some women eat food to feel better, some women abstain from food to feel better.  If they're stomach isn't growling then they aren't punishing themselves enough.  Hunger is not control.  You aren't going to lose those 15 lbs by starving yourself for the one night.

Smile.  Relax.  And now here is a little video to make you feel confident and beautiful:

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