Sunday, December 1, 2013

Body Type Stereotypes

There was recently a mother of three who posted a picture on Facebook that created a huge reaction.

I personally believe her approach to encouraging a healthy lifestyle was offensive.  Many mothers of three (and even single women like myself) can think of MANY reasons why it is difficult to get to a gym.  Sometimes I am too tired to get myself to the grocery store much less work out, because I've had four 15 hour days in a row.  I'm not complaining about my job.  I love it, but it is time consuming.  And to have someone flaunt their abs in your face and use a phrase that belittles those that don't look like her is infuriating.

Are we all imposing body type stereotypes upon one another?

Is this a classic case of misunderstanding on both sides?  Is she assuming that you are lazy because you aren't sporting a six pack and headed to the gym 4-5 times a week?  Are we assuming that she's unsympathetic and cruel because she's beautiful and in shape?

Behind every physical is an emotional story.

Maria Kang was banned from Facebook for a short time, because after the backlash towards her photo she then began a crusade against obesity in our country.  Again... she used inflaming language and rather than encourage she seems to always have a tinge of hate towards those that are overweight or not in great physical shape. 

However, if you take the time to visit her website, you will discover that she struggled with bulimia, and is angry that her mother died at an early age with multiple health problems.  Her latest entry is entitled "Sorry but not sorry."  Well, that's not much of an apology.  In fact, it's not one.  

I believe this woman is merely on a crusade to heal her own personal wounds.  She is bitter and angry at her mother's early death and blames it on obesity.  She is still battling the physical despite that she is healed from bulimia.  

May I say that I, in no way, condone living an unhealthy lifestyle.  But my blog is for the uplifting.  There are times in every woman's life when we will gain weight or lose weight.  But our self importance should not rely on the physical.  Maria Kang is another example how our emotional status directs impacts our physical.  

Take care of not only your body, but your mind and spirit as well.  Don't make assumptions about a person based on the physical.  This woman is not setting people off because of her message to be healthy or her beauty.  To be angry with a woman for that is pure jealousy.  She is angering people, because she is emotionally hurt.  And she is taking her anger out on those that are overweight.  The same thing happens to women who are overweight, and lash out at the slim women who criticize them.

Health is more than just the body.  Just because you are physically fit doesn't mean you are "healthy."  And just because you have a few extra pounds doesn't mean you are "unhealthy."  If you keep your mind and emotions healthy your body image will follow.

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