Friday, July 27, 2012

Why Women Love Their Gay Men

I hear it all the time from straight guys.  "Why do girls always have at least one gay guy friend?"

You often hear in response, "They're safe."  But I think it's more than that.

It's no secret that women crave approval from men.  If you're a woman, and you've never had your own gay boy I suggest you get one as soon as possible.  Why?  They are extremely fun, fully accepting, and they encourage you to be your most beautiful self no matter what other people think.

Some of the most encouraging words I've ever received in my life have been from my gay guy friends.  They have no problem telling you that you're beautiful and fabulous.  Especially when you don't feel like it.  Then there's always the fact that if you're not looking fabulous that day they can do your hair, wardrobe, and make-up for you and magically make you feel better.

And of course, there is the safe factor.  You can listen to his compliments without the fear of manipulation just to get you into bed.  Sorry, good straight guys.  For every one good man, there's typically three losers cutting in line before you getting to the women.  And we can't always count on each other because of the competition factor.

It's that constant encouragement that makes gay men so important to us women.

Ok, ok, so I'm being stereotypical, but the point of this blog is to point out that everyone needs someone that they feel safe with who can give constant encouragement.  The words you surround yourself with are the words you will believe.  If you surround yourself with people who build you up, then you will start to believe it.

WARNING!  Too much inflation is bad for the soul.  The only way to prevent a big head is to exhale some of those compliments given to you onto others.  There's no need for superiority.  We all end up old and wrinkly on the outside, but your soul is always evolving and with a conscious effort you CAN make yourself more beautiful on the inside as the years go by.

So whether you're gay or straight, be that someone for someone else.  A good friend will offer that in return.    

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