Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Munching Numbers

I wait patiently for the next woman.  I see her rounding the corner.  She ducks her head, chuckles uncomfortably, and slowly makes her way towards me.  In her eyes is sheer fear...possibly light tears.  She looks to me like I am bound to embarrass her and prey upon her insecurities.  She rubs her sweaty palms down the side of her pants.  She can't avoid it any longer.

"Be nice.  I've been on a diet.  And I'm trying to lose weight.  Do you need me to suck in?  Can you plan on me losing 20lbs in the next three weeks?"


"I have nothing up top.  This is all bra.  Is that a problem?  I'm sorry."

"Don't change a thing," I reply.

And I really don't want her to change anything.  Why?  Because I'm her costumer.  And if she really does lose 20lbs in the next three weeks or suddenly get a boob job my entire design and fit will be terribly off.  But who can blame her fright?  I've made her confront the one thing women hate the most: a tape measure.

So let's get real and honest.  I'll start.  My current measurements are 37/29/39, I'm 5'4", and I weigh 143lbs.  I'm a 34DD and approximately a size 8.  


I know, I know.  I weigh more than 110lbs, AND I confessed it.  What is the world coming to?!

I have been a professional costumer for going on eight years now.  I have seen A LOT of measurements.  They don't scare me...most days.  I'll admit I'd rather be munching on a Snickers bar than munching on my own numbers.  This is the classic reaction to my measurements:

"You don't look like you weigh that much."

Women.  Really.  Why do we say things like that to each other?  You ever notice that if a woman tells another woman she looks like she's lost weight, it's automatically a compliment?  Sometimes I have the strange desire to suddenly freak out that I've lost weight and immediately start planning on how to gain it back.  Just to gauge a reaction.  Perhaps you should say instead, "You're looking great these days."  Now, your fellow woman's response will most likely automatically be, "Thanks, I've been on a diet."

Don't be afraid of your numbers.  I know this is what we want to be like:

But this is probably closer to the truth:

And that's OK!  You have one life.  Don't live it obsessing.  Do what you can, love your numbers, and move on.

What are your numbers?  Can you admit them without crying, hitting a wall with your head, or giggling uncomfortably?  Try it.  Say them out loud.  Tell them to another woman like it ain't no thang but a chicken wing.  

Mmmm.....chicken wings.......

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